Candidacy in the Christian Reformed Church
Ordaining Pastors for the CRCNA
The Candidacy Director and Candidacy Committee oversee the processes of ordination in the Christian Reformed Church.
Andrew is currently serving as Lead Pastor of New Westminster CRC in the Vancouver area of British Columbia. Ordained in 2000, he served his first congregation, Fruitland CRC, Stoney Creek, ON, for 9 years, until moving to his current home in 2009. After graduating from the University of Waterloo (B.A.Sc. - Mechanical Engineering) he worked for Ford Motor Co. for 6 years then began attending Calvin Seminary graduating in 2000. Serving a vibrant and increasingly multicultural congregation like New West has been a great joy and privilege. Andrew enjoys hiking, tinkering, golfing, and movie nights with the family.
Judy has a BA (Psychology) from Dordt College and an M.Ed in marriage and family therapy from the Univ. of Toronto. She has worked as a family therapist in various agencies since l986. The last 15 or so years before retirement she was the Clinical Director of Shalem Network (formerly Salem Chr. Counselling Services) in Hamilton, Ontario until retirement in 2010. She was certified as a Restorative Justice practitioner circa 2005, and helped to pioneer FaithCARE, one of Shalem's programs for churches. Judy has been an active member of the CRCNA since age 12.
Lora, a member of Rehoboth CRC in Rehoboth, New Mexico, presently is employed as a doctrine teacher at Rehoboth CRC. Rev. Copley has served as chair of both the Outreach Committee and Congregational Care Committee, as secretary of Classis Red Mesa Teams Committee, and has been a member of the Grand Rapids Christian School Board. She currently is on the Classis Red Mesa Theological Education and Ministry Skills Committee and is a consultant for the Faith Formation/Education Committee at Rehoboth Christian School.
Caleb was ordained as a commissioned pastor in Classis Red Mesa in 2018 for the role of pastor at Red Valley (Ariz.) CRC. He has been involved in ministry in Classis Red Mesa since 2011. He became a graduate in 2011 of the Classis Red Mesa Leadership Development Network and has since served on the oversight committee for that program. He served in the capacity of long-term pulpit supply at the Naschitti CRC from 2014 until he was called to Red Valley CRC.
Felix is the lead pastor of South Kendall Community Church in Miami, Florida. He has served as a contributor of the Discover God Study Bible (published in 2007), as a chaplain for the Atlanta Braves minor league team in Orlando, and as a church planter in Central Florida. Born and raised in Miami, Florida, Felix spent many summers in New York City and the Dominican Republic. He has been married to his wife, Keri, since 2000 and God has blessed them with three children.
Moon graduated from Calvin Seminary and was ordained in 1995. Moon is the pastor of Korean Grace Church of Grand Rapids. Moon is married to Soonhwa, and they have two sons and one daughter.
Henry is currently serving as Lead Pastor of West End CRC in Edmonton, Alberta. He has been at West End for just over 5 years after serving in longer pastorates in Hamilton, Ontario, and Brockville, Ontario. Henry did his undergraduate studies at Calvin University and the University of Toronto, graduating from Calvin with a degree in Psychology. He received his M.Div. and later a Th.M. in Pastoral Care and Counseling from Calvin Theological Seminary. Henry, together with his wife Marnie, enjoys outdoor opportunities on land and water and regularly pursues those.
Susan currently serves as the Director of Candidacy for the CRNCA. Previous to taking this role, she served as the sole pastor of Maranatha Fellowship CRC in Farmington, NM for eleven years; and as the Discipleship and Care Pastor for Alive Ministries in Jenison, MI for five years. Susan is married to Michael LaClear, and they have two adult children.
Jul is a former attorney who entered Calvin Theological Seminary as a second career person. Upon graduation, he served for 16 years as the founding pastor of New Life Christian Reformed Church in New Lenox, Illinois. He also served for four years as the Church Planting and Development Point Team Leader for Christian Reformed Home Missions. On August 1, 2011, Jul took up the position of President of Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Andy grew up in Japan as a missionary kid, came back to the States for college and now serves as pastor of New Life CRC in Spring, Texas, where he has served since 2009. Prior to moving to Texas, Andy served in New Jersey (Bridgeway Community CRC) and Seattle (Emmaus Road CRC). He received his training at Calvin Theological Seminary (M.Div. 1997) and Calvin University (BA - Psychology 1993). Andy is a local mission leader with Resonate, and has worked with over 20 church planters and leaders from various cultural backgrounds in the processes of art. 6, art. 23 and art. 8 credentialing. Andy has served on several regional and classis committees.