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Family Resources

Whether you are a parent (or grandparent or other caregiver), or a pastor, or a children’s ministry leader, or someone else who cares deeply about welcoming children to the Lord’s table

in a way that nurtures faith, these resources and ideas are for you. If there is something that you don’t see here, or if there’s a resource or idea you’d like to share with us, please let us know at [email protected].

Communion Conversation

Digging Deeper

  • Home Grown: Handbook for Christian Parenting – A practical parenting resource that will encourage and help parents/guardians nurture children’s faith and help to prepare them to participate in the sacrament of communion.
  • You're Invited – A one-week devotional to help parents or caretakers explain what the Lord's Supper is all about, get children ready to participate, and encourage the whole family to respond in gratitude for this very special gift from God.