Children's Ministry Toolkit
From Faith Formation Ministries
While having the latest technology, trendiest furniture, and Disney-like wall decor may make great first impressions on the kids who come to your program, the most lasting impressions are made by loving leaders in environments that are welcoming, inviting, inclusive, and safe for all.
For resources geared to developing loving leaders, see the Calling, Encouraging, and Equipping Leaders tab. For resources on creating a faith-nurturing community where all children are welcome, see below.
Just as there is no way to know for sure who will arrive at your door, there’s no way to anticipate how they will arrive. Children may enter with varying emotions (happy, anxious, sad, eager, and more), from diverse environments (secure, chaotic, loving, unfamiliar, and more), with different levels of familiarity with God’s story, and with unique challenges. One thing that’s the same: all children should be welcomed warmly, and they should leave with the assurance that they belong to God and to God’s family.
"Think about how important it is to create a beautiful space for adults to worship, and the great care we take of that space. We should pay no less attention to the space for worshiping with children—after all, it is a place where their faith is acknowledged and formed" (Olivia Stewart and Pat Barton, “Beauty in Children's Worship Spaces," Reformed Worship 120).
How might the way you set up and decorate the space where your childrens’ “faith is acknowledged and formed” invite learners to live into and out of God’s story? Here are some ideas:
It’s one thing to welcome everyone; it’s another to create a community of belonging in which each person is valued and able to participate fully according to their gifts and abilities. These tools will help:
When you work in children’s ministry, you are in a position of authority and power. Because children are vulnerable, and because statistics show that abuse is just as prevalent inside the church as outside, it is up to you to do everything you can to provide a safe environment at all times.
Safe Church Ministry offers excellent resources that can help equip congregations in abuse awareness, prevention, and response.
While details of church policies may vary, the basics your child safety policy should address include (but are not limited to) the following:
You’ll find more information and sample child safety policies at crcna.org/SafeChurch.
If you're looking for abuse-awareness curriculum, Safe Church Ministry recommends Circle of Grace, a safe environment program for children and youth. It features a few easy-to-follow lessons for each grade level and can fit into any existing church school curriculum.