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If you are looking for ways to discuss climate change in small groups or adult education, we recommend the resources listed below.

If you need help implementing any of these resources or if you are looking for a speaker or panelist, let us know and we would be happy to send one of our staff or help you find a local speaker.

Small Groups

Bangladesh: Creation Care Series

This series of five videos and bible study puts the spotlight on changing weather in Bangledesh.

Climate Conversation: Kenya

For millions of subsistence farmers in Kenya, climate change is not a political debate it is a reality. Hear the stories.
Hunting Park Map

This is Hunting Park

Travel through this neighborhood and explore stories that may inspire you to see your own backyard differently.

Print Materials

Embrace and Fast Menu

Use this menu to think about this you can embrace or fast from in your life to address climate change. Guilt free!

Ten Ways to Care for Creation

A fun printable graphic that will help your community to start to think about creation care.

Prayer for Faithful Leadership on Climate Change Bulletin Insert

Raise awareness in your church on climate change by ordering these inserts.

Restoration of Creation Bulletin Insert

Share information about the Climate Witness Project in your community.

Explaining Climate Change

Talking about climate change with people who are skeptical is a great thing to do. Below are resources to help you start.

What's Really Warming the World?

This interactive resource from Bloomberg explores the most popular explanations for the observed warming: orbital shift, sunspots, volcanos, deforestation, ozone pollution, aerosol pollution, and greenhouse gas pollution.

TED Talk: Katharine Hayhoe | What if Climate Change is Real?

Katharine Hayhoe is a trusted and faithful voice on climate change. This is a great conversation starter.

Understanding Climate Change

Tom Ackerman delievers this engageing lecture as part of Calvin's CALL courses.

Understanding Our Climate Crisis

Dr. Henry Brouwer answers the question, "Can you help me to understand climate change? This six part lecture series will help you start to understand the science behind climate change.