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Abuse Prevention

Safe Church Assessment
How safe is your church? This tool is designed to help councils assess how safe their particular congregation is from abuse in all its forms and reflect on what steps the leadership might take to nurture a culture that resists abuse in their congregation.

Model Policy and Policy Toolkit
Safe church developed the Model Safe Church Policy to provide faith leaders, safe church teams and abuse prevention teams with a tangible policy that reflects synodically approved definitions and protocols, as well as language and categories to consider including in your own policy. 

The Policy Toolkit is intended to help you start the important work of policy formation, share some basic important components of a policy, and share some key “go-to” places for further assistance.

Background Check Resources
One important component of abuse prevention is holding ministry leaders to high standards. Appropriate screening for staff, ministry leaders, and volunteers is essential.


Circle of Grace
Help children in grades K-12 build healthy, respectful relationships

Ten Ways to Practice Safe Mentoring

Ten Ways to Make Your Church a Safer Place (English)  Diez Maneras para Hacer de su Iglesia un Lugar más Seguro (Spanish)

Restorative Practices
Restorative practices help us be with one another rather than simply doing things to each other or for one another. 

Network Articles on Policy & Prevention

Network Articles about Safe Church

Network Articles on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Ministry