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Practicing Justice and Mercy Individually

Biblical justice arises from God’s character. In order to do justice and practice mercy, each of us has internal work to do to align our character with God’s. Here are five ways to do some “internal housekeeping” on the journey.

Examine the thoughts you never voice

  • What private prejudices do you struggle to overcome?
  • What individuals or groups of people are you “merciless” to in your mind?
  • Do you consider doing justice as a “requirement” of the Christian life, as described in Micah 6:8? Or are you generally content to leave the pursuit of justice to people whose job is advocacy? Why or why not?

Spend some time identifying your spheres of influence

  • As a consumer, how do your buying choices promote the flourishing of people and the rest of creation?
  • How does your workplace promote human flourishing?
  • Is your social media presence characterized by a longing for justice and mercy?
  • In what other spheres do you have influence?

Examine your stewardship of time, talents, and treasure

  • For one week, log how you spend your work time, your free time, your money, and the gifts and talents God has given you. What patterns do you notice? What patterns do you want to change?
  • Take a look at your charitable giving. In what ways does it promote the flourishing of others and the world in which we live? What new giving opportunities have been on your heart?

Focus on where you can contribute

It’s easy to feel defeated in the face of all the injustice in the world. Start in your neighborhood, your city, or your state or province. Where do you see injustice there?

  • How might you bring your unique gifts, talents, and resources to bear on one specific example of injustice in your community?

Become a learner

  • If you feel led to work for justice in a certain area, learn all you can about the people, problems, and issues in that area.
  • Watch Pastor Rich Villodas’s sermon Presence Precedes Justice, which outlines five steps that should precede any effort to work for justice.