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Social Justice Offering Sunday

February 12, 2023 is is the Social Justice Offering Sunday. Thank you for collecting an offering for our work!

People across the Christian Reformed Church are engaging in important justice work on issues such as immigration, refugees, sanctity of human life, Indigenous justice, religious persecution, creation care, and more! The CRCNA's work in social justice helps CRC members continue love our neighbors in tangible ways. We provide resources for learning about the root causes of poverty, hunger, and oppression, and we empower the church to call on those in power to improve systems and enact just policy. We prioritize the perspectives of marginalized people most impacted by injustices, raise awareness, educate members, share resources, and prompt advocacy. It's how we love our neighbors. It's how we live our faith. In the Social Justice Offering Sunday bulletin insert, you'll read more about how we have been doing that work together. We're here to help your church engage in important work! 

Explore resources you can use for this Sunday (or any Sunday) below.

Free Bulletin Inserts

take next steps with us as we continue to "do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God" together.
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