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Remembering as a Family

Remembering what God has done and telling faith stories together is a powerful way for kids, teens, and adults to grow in faith! Make your home a place where the spiritual discipline of remembering is practiced and cherished.

  • Check out the one-page resource 5 Ways to Practice Remembering with Your Family from the Dwell at Home series.
  • Make a family music playlist that helps you remember God. Here’s one for starters: Ellie Holcomb’s song Don’t Forget to Remember (which also has an accompanying picturebook!).
  • Buy or make a set of “story stones” like these stones available from Milestones Ministry. On each of the stones is a symbol of a common life milestone: baptism, graduation, new job, a “mountaintop” or “valley” experience, and so on. When your group gathers, take turns choosing a stone and then tell a story about what it represents and how God was faithful to you.
  • Read the family devotions for Psalm 136 from the free online devotional guide Psalms for Families: Devotions for All Ages by Robert J. Keeley and Laura Keeley.
  • Use family holiday gatherings as a time to remember what God has done in the past year or in past generations. Tell your faith stories!
  • Create wall art as a family that can help you remember God. Illustrate favorite Bible passages, create a bulletin board where you can post notes about “God-sightings” through the week, or make a mural of all the parts of God’s creation that bring you joy.