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Introducing Thrive

Faith Formation has joined with eight other Christian Reformed ministries to better equip and encourage congregations. Our new name is Thrive. 

While our name may have changed, we’re still as committed as ever to encourage and equip churches and individuals to practice lifelong faith and missional discipleship.

As Thrive staff we want to come alongside your church to assist, to resource, and to support. We want your church to become - or continue to be - successful, strong, and healthy. Together we are able to do God’s work in the world better than any of us could do on our own.

Our new mandate from synod asks Thrive “to provide expertise, wisdom, and compassionate support to congregations while remaining attentive to a wide range of opportunities and challenges facing the church today." Combining the nine congregational ministries into the one Thrive agency allows us to be more accessible, more integrated, and more responsive in our engagement with Christian Reformed congregations and ministry leaders.

Your prayers and financial support remain vital to our mission. As Thrive, we still depend on the generous contributions from Ministry Shares, individual gifts, and church offerings to continue making a meaningful impact. Your continued support enables us provide consulting and resources that fit your unique context. We desire to walk alongside you and your church as you encounter the challenges and opportunities of growing in resilient, intentional, holistic faith.

To learn more about our new name and to stay in the loop with the new, monthly Thrive email, visit