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No LGBT Advisers for Synod

June 17, 2016
Synod 2016 Delegates

Synod 2016 Delegates

Karen Huttenga

Synod 2016 advised Christian Reformed churches and classes (regional groups of churches) to invite, as much as possible, the presence and involvement of same-sex attracted members when dealing with matters that affect the lives and discipleship of same-sex attracted members.

It declined, however, to establish a panel of LGBT advisers to synod.

That request had come from Classis Alberta South/Saskatchewan, which said, “It is a matter of justice that when the lives and faith journeys of some of us in the church are under discussion, that discussion must include the participation of those of us whose journey it is.”

Charles Kooger, a delegate from that classis, said, “It’s about hearing the voices. We need to know our neighbor’s journey.”

Several delegates objected that sexuality and sexual identities have moral dimensions that other categories of advisers to synod (women, ethnic minorities) do not. 

For continuous coverage of Synod 2016 including the live webcast, news, video recordings, photos, liveblog, social media links, and more visit