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We are Reformed Christians who believe that every person is created in the image of Creator God. From this foundation, we work to promote the flourishing of all people through constructive dialogue and advocacy in Canada. We believe that God calls all Canadians to be engaged citizens and to stand with vulnerable and marginalized people in our communities as allies. As Christian citizens, we work toward a just world in which structures and institutions give every person the opportunity to thrive. It's our goal to present a positive voice of faith in Canadian public life, and to live out justice, hope, and reconciliation in advocacy and citizenship.
Our main office sits around the corner from Parliament Hill in Ottawa, on unceded Algonquin territory. We are grateful and indebted to the Algonquin Nation for their hospitality. Our grassroots advisory committee comes from Christian Reformed and Reformed Church in America churches across Canada—from Halifax to Victoria.
“The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.” —Psalm 33:5
You’re more than a consumer. You’re more than a taxpayer. You’re a citizen. Join us as we seek justice and speak hope into Canadian public dialogue.