Be equipped and encouraged with our Thrive monthly email. For all church members, volunteers, and staff.
Thrive comes alongside churches to equip and encourage them to participate in God's redemptive mission in their local context. Below are some resources that support congregational renewal and support:
Additional Resources for Churches to support church health and renewal:
Thrive supports ministry leaders and volunteers serving churches and classis, including pastors, worship leaders, youth directors, children's ministers, safe church teams and coordinators, disability advocates, justice advocates, specialized transitional ministers, chaplains, church visitors, and regional pastors
Thrive encourages and equips churches and individuals to practice lifelong faith and missional discipleship. We listen, provide consulting and resources that fit your unique context, and we walk alongside you and your church as you encounter the challenges and opportunities of growing in resilient, intentional, holistic faith.
Thrive supports the local church by providing resources for worship.
Worship resources for Special Sundays:
Thrive resources CRC members and congregations as they seek to grow in diversity and so better anticipate the kingdom of God when all nations, tribes, and tongues will gather together to worship the Lord.
Resources to help churches grow in their awareness and understanding of racism:
Resources to help churches become more hospitable to a diversity of ethnic groups and cultures: