For all church members, volunteers, and staff. Be equipped and encouraged with our Thrive monthly email.
30 Years of Abuse Prevention
In 1994 the CRCNA started an Office of Abuse Prevention. Thirty years later, the denomination continues to equip congregations in abuse awareness, prevention, and response.
Braille Resources Find Home
Braille resources, including a Bible, some creeds and confessions, and a machine to create braille resources have been shared with CRC members for use in ministry.
Pastors Gather at Revelation 7 Retreat
In April, over 40 pastors gathered in Anaheim, Calif., for the Revelation 7 Pastors Retreat.
Thrive Hosts Creative Worship Listening Session
What if we engaged in worship without relying on words?
Breaking Barriers to Accessibility in Ministry
It takes intentionality and a willingness to examine the barriers to access that exist in our systems, our architecture, our communication, and our attitudes.
Bringing Leaders and Congregations Together
On Ascension Day three congregations in Kalamazoo, Mich., joined together for worship. It was an example of what can happen when church leaders connect.
Thrive Launches Updated Retirement Resource
A newly updated resource from Thrive is designed to support pastors who are asking questions and navigating challenges about retirement.
Scholarship Recipients Host Chapel Service
Two recipients of a Multiracial Scholarship from Thrive helped lead a weekly chapel service at Calvin Theological Seminary.
CRC Members Gather for Renewal
Sixty-one people from five classes met in Minneapolis - St. Paul, Minn., to study Scripture, share their stories, and discover where God is at work both in their congregations and in the denomination as a whole.
Examining Your Own Dance Floor
In the years of serving in my role as a Youth and Emerging Adult ministry consultant, I have had many conversations with youth leaders, youth pastors, councils and congregations about the complexities of finding, hiring/calling, and/or recruiting people
Leading Worship in a Trauma-informed Way
The question led all of us into a moment of silence and deep reflection.
Resources for Trinity Sunday 2024
Trinity Sunday falls on the Sunday after Pentecost. In 2024, that day will be May 26.
Disability Advocate Calls for Inclusion
Greg Yoder’s goal is for every congregation in his classis to have a disability advocate by the end of 2024.
Prayer for Asylum Seekers at the US Border
"I was a stranger and you welcomed me..." (Matthew 25)
Renewal to Be Focus of Classis Gatherings
Over the next 18 months, 10 events will be held in various locations with an emphasis on storytelling and church renewal.
The Future Looks Bright
World-changers from every generation live and work among us. Here are a few young people we’ve seen do interesting and inspiring things for God’s kingdom.
A Tale of Two Congregations
Since 2021, St. Luke AME Zion Church has been sharing Calvin CRC’s sanctuary in Grand Rapids, Mich. The two congregations have even started joint services.
Extend Your Influence and Impact for Generations to Come: Giving to Thrive in Your Will
Have you considered giving to Thrive in your will? By doing so, you will model to your loved ones a steadfast commitment to financial stewardship, charitable giving and building God’s Kingdom.
Pastors Practice Spiritual Resting
When busyness is worn as a badge of honor, the choice to seek rest can feel counterintuitive or even wasteful. Deep rest requires intentionality, self-compassion, and practice—lots of practice.
Thrive Cosponsors MLK Celebration
A rescheduled Martin Luther King, Jr., Day community worship event turned out to be a special occasion filled with faith, justice, and unity.
Universal Design: A Church Building for Everybody
Monroe Community Church (CRC) in downtown Grand Rapids, MI, had the unique opportunity of renovating a 17,400 sf, uninsulated, raw, 1963 industrial building into their new church home.
Continued Prayers for Peace in the Middle East
The past few months in the Middle East have been marked by intense violence, death and destruction. The ongoing war between Israel and Hamas has resulted in close to over 23,000 people killed and over 59,000 wounded.
Providing Support on the Path to Stability
“Probably the most difficult thing in my role is to decenter myself and to find the center in the other person and in God's work in them.”