We asked Jill Benson to share reflections on her work in the CRC involving faith formation, the resources or events that excite her, and the impact she sees throughout CRC congregations.
On January 19, Christian Reformed congregations across North America will gather to observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Here are some suggested resources from Thrive to use.
Affinity Group Connectors are the point people for our Hispanic, Korean, and youth/young adult members. Meet Catheryn Jo who serves Korean churches within the denomination.
Ten denominational staff, known as "connectors," come alongside congregations and ministry leaders to connect them with resources and relationships to help them flourish.
Affinity Group Connectors are the point people for our Hispanic, Korean, and youth/young adult members. This article introduces Ron deVries who is our Youth and Emerging Adult Ministry connector
Regional Connectors are available to support your congregation and ministry leaders by connecting them with denominational resources so you can thrive in the ministry God has given you. Meet Becky who serves the Canada East region!
Regional Connectors are available to support your congregation and ministry leaders by connecting them with denominational resources so you can thrive in the ministry God has given you. Meet Idella Winfield who serves the Great Lakes region of the U.S!
Regional Connectors are available to support your congregation and ministry leaders by connecting them with denominational resources so you can thrive in the ministry God has given you. Meet Liz Tolkamp who serves the Canada West region!
As you think about retiring, you would be wise to take time regularly to sit back and reflect on your ministry career, your identity, and your hopes for the future.
Regional Connectors are available to support your congregation and ministry leaders by connecting them with denominational resources so you can thrive in the ministry God has given you. Meet Elaine Lee who serves the US West region!
Affinity Group Connectors are the point people for our Hispanic, Korean, and youth/young adult members. Meet Aura who serves Hispanic churches within the denomination.
Regional Connectors are available to support your congregation and ministry leaders by connecting them with denominational resources so you can thrive in the ministry God has given you. Meet Trudy Ash who serves the US Central region!
Disability Awareness Sunday is celebrated on October 13 in all RCA churches and on October 20 in all CRC churches. This year’s theme is the fully accessible church. Thrive has some ideas to help a church as they plan for this special sunday..
Thrive has partnered with Exodus World Service, an accredited Private Sponsor Organization that mobilizes the Christian community to welcome and befriend refugees.
After a flood destroyed $2,000 worth of Sunday school materials at a church in Iowa, a grant made it possible for the congregation to receive replacements at no charge.
At Pease (Minn.) CRC, Kennedy Van Zee smiled, rocked back and forth in her wheelchair, and moved her arms in time with the music as she sang with some 20 other girls.
In 1994 the CRCNA started an Office of Abuse Prevention. Thirty years later, the denomination continues to equip congregations in abuse awareness, prevention, and response.
Braille resources, including a Bible, some creeds and confessions, and a machine to create braille resources have been shared with CRC members for use in ministry.
It takes intentionality and a willingness to examine the barriers to access that exist in our systems, our architecture, our communication, and our attitudes.
On Ascension Day three congregations in Kalamazoo, Mich., joined together for worship. It was an example of what can happen when church leaders connect.
Sixty-one people from five classes met in Minneapolis - St. Paul, Minn., to study Scripture, share their stories, and discover where God is at work both in their congregations and in the denomination as a whole.
In the years of serving in my role as a Youth and Emerging Adult ministry consultant, I have had many conversations with youth leaders, youth pastors, councils and congregations about the complexities of finding, hiring/calling, and/or recruiting people
World-changers from every generation live and work among us. Here are a few young people we’ve seen do interesting and inspiring things for God’s kingdom.
Since 2021, St. Luke AME Zion Church has been sharing Calvin CRC’s sanctuary in Grand Rapids, Mich. The two congregations have even started joint services.
Have you considered giving to Thrive in your will? By doing so, you will model to your loved ones a steadfast commitment to financial stewardship, charitable giving and building God’s Kingdom.
When busyness is worn as a badge of honor, the choice to seek rest can feel counterintuitive or even wasteful. Deep rest requires intentionality, self-compassion, and practice—lots of practice.
Monroe Community Church (CRC) in downtown Grand Rapids, MI, had the unique opportunity of renovating a 17,400 sf, uninsulated, raw, 1963 industrial building into their new church home.
The past few months in the Middle East have been marked by intense violence, death and destruction. The ongoing war between Israel and Hamas has resulted in close to over 23,000 people killed and over 59,000 wounded.
Over our nearly 170-year history as a denomination, we’ve started several ministries to help us follow God’s call and serve as God’s ambassadors in the world.
Jordan loved her church community and looked forward to coming to church each Sunday. One Sunday, she arrived a little early and joined a group that had gathered in the foyer to chat before the service.
very year, the Christian Reformed Church sets aside one Sunday in the year to acknowledge and recognize the painful reality of abuse. This year, Abuse Awareness Sunday is April 14, 2024.
I wanted to tell you about my son, Elijah. He's 18 now and he has autism as well as Dandy-Walker syndrome. He recently made profession of faith at our church!
Mentors and mentees from various churches came together for three days of storytelling, training, and discussion on how best to create friendships between generations.
Carolyn, Natasha, and Abby are starting off their roles as classis safe church coordinators by connecting to churches and improving access to resources.
Disability Awareness Sunday is quickly approaching! It's celebrated on October 8 in all RCA churches and on October 15 in all CRC churches. As such, it's time to start planning.
Four Christian Reformed congregations and one Reformed Church in America church committed to working together over a 13-month period to make their churches more welcoming and accessible for people with disabilities.
In early August, leaders from 47 congregations across North America gathered for two days in Holland, Mich., to connect, listen, and discern in preparation for a new year of ministry.
Nine ministries of the CRCNA are undergoing a reorganization focused on better serving local congregations, increasing efficiency, and reducing overall costs.