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Regional Connectors

Regions and Classes

Regional Connectors are available to support your congregation and ministry leaders by connecting them with denominational resources so you can thrive in the ministry God has given you.

Each of our connectors serve a region of the CRCNA. Check out the list below to locate the regional connector who serves your congregation. In addition, our affinity group connectors are the point people for our Hispanic, Korean, SEAPI, and youth/young adult members. We will be happy to connect with you and your congregation via phone, video conference, or in person!

Liz Tolkamp

Liz Tolkamp

Region 1 - Canada West

Liz is our Regional Connector for Canada West. Liz lives in Langley, BC with her husband, Tim, and attends Willoughby CRC. She’s passionate about nurturing and supporting healthy relationships within congregations.

See Liz's Playlist

800-272-5125 x5111
Becky Jones

Becky Jones

Region 2 - Canada East

Becky is our regional connector for Canada East. Becky lives in Stratford, Ontario with her dog, husband and occasionally 4 children as they return from university. She is passionate about exploring faith creatively through art.

Schedule a Chat
See Becky's Playlist

800-272-5125 x4978
 Sandra Gonzalez

Sandra Gonzalez

Region 3 - US East

Sandra, our regional connector for US East and administrative support person for Resonate Eastern USA, resides in New Jersey, calling Hudson County home. Fluent in Spanish, Sandra provides additional support to strengthen connections. Engaged with Madison Avenue CRC, Sandra finds joy in supporting the congregation's mission. She cherishes moments with loved ones and enjoys swimming.

Schedule a Chat
See Sandra's Playlist

800-272-5125 x7018
Diane Averill

Diane Averill

Region 3 - US East

Diane works as a Regional Network Connector for the Connections Project in Region 3: US East. She also works with Coffee Break and Resonate. You can usually find Diane and her husband, Brent who also works with Resonate, traveling up and down the coast mentoring, training, supporting and encouraging church leaders in established congregations and the many emerging ethnic congregations. Diane and Brent live in Bar Harbor, Maine.

800-272-5125 x7022
Idella Winfield pic

Idella Winfield

Region 4 - Great Lakes

Idella is a Regional Connector in the Great Lakes Region (Michigan). She lives in Grand Rapids and attends Madison Church: North. Idella is passionate about justice and reconciliation and enjoys storytelling.

Schedule a Chat
See Idella's Playlist

800-272-5125 x2791
Trudy Ash

Trudy Ash

Region 5 - Midwest & Connect Team Leader

Trudy is the leader of the Connect Team as well as the regional connector in the Midwest Region. She lives in Milaca, Minnesota with her husband and 4 kids who all attend Pease CRC. Trudy has a deep passion for the local church and loves to hear stories over a cup of coffee!

Schedule a Chat
See Trudy's Playlist

800-272-5125 x5118
Elaine Lee

Elaine Lee

Region 6 - US West

Elaine works as our Regional Connector for US West. She is also a Korean / Spanish Representative for Global Coffee Break. Elaine and her husband, Abe, live in El Paso, Texas and serve as missionaries in Mexico with Resonate Global Mission.

Schedule a Chat

616-241-1691 x7021


Affinity Group Connectors

The following Thrive team members specifically support CRC congregations in their commitment to youth ministry and our ethnic congregations and church leaders

Ron DeVries

Ron DeVries

Youth and Young Adult Connector

Ron is our youth and emerging adult ministry consultant. Living with his wife Monique in Alberta, Ron is passionate about supporting congregations and their leaders in navigating the exciting world of ministry with our younger members. 

800-272-5125 x5117
Woman with dark hair wearing green and black striped shirt

Aura Guerra-Artola

Hispanic Connector

Aura works as a  connector with Hispanic churches within the CRCNA. She also provides assistance and support to Spanish-speaking pastors. In addition to her work with Hispanic churches, Aura is a customer service representative with Faith Alive and Libros Desafio. She is also working with CRC communications by assisting with English-Spanish translations.

Aura trabaja como conectora con iglesias hispanas dentro de la CRCNA. También brinda asistencia y apoyo a pastores de habla hispana. Además de su trabajo con iglesias hispanas, Aura es representante de servicio al cliente en Faith Alive y Libros Desafio. También está trabajando con el departamento de comunicaciones de la ICRN ayudando con las traducciones inglés-español.

800-272-5125 x4532
Woman with long black hair and white shirt smiling

Catheryn Jo Kim

Korean Connector

Catheryn works with Korean-speaking networks to promote healthy, positive, and strategic relationships with CRCNA ministries and agencies. She engages in meaningful contact with Korean classes and congregational leaders. Catheryn is also working for CRC Communications overseeing Korean communications.

View Korean CRC Website

캐서린 조 전도사는 CRC 교단의 다양한 사역부들과 한인 교회/목회자 간의 건강하고 전략적인 관계를 증진하기 위해 일하고 있다. 한인 커뮤니티의 필요와 교단의 비전을 연결하며, 한인 커뮤니티의 소식을 교단에 전달하는 중요한 다리 역할을 맡고 있다. 또한 CRC 커뮤니케이션 부서에서 한국어 관련 자료를 총괄하고 있으며, 매월 발송되는 한국어 뉴스레터와 웹사이트의 콘텐츠 관리도 담당하고 있다.

800-272-5125 x2584