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About This Page: These announcements connect church members with the ministries of their denomination. You can include them in your Sunday bulletin, weekly email, monthly newsletter (using the future week checkboxes), or Bridge App (for those churches using the app). When copy/pasting into a print bulletin, you may wish to paste as unformatted text (shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+V) to remove formatting. For sharing in an electronic format, maintain the formatting to include hyperlinks to more information.

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ReFrame Ministries

Kids Corner: God's Call for Justice - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion "God’s Call for Justice" at God saw injustice in Israel. Through the prophet Isaiah, God spoke out against their wrong. He protested to help the Israelites make a change! Will you join God in his call for justice? Check out all the great content at, like KC’s Church in Action Comic Book.

Kids Corner: Show Respect - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion “Show Respect” at One way to be kind and respectful is to remind yourself that God made other people in his image (Genesis 1:27). 1 Peter 5:5 tells us to obey our elders and “be humble toward everyone else.” Check out all the great content at, like KC’s Church in Action Comic Book.

Kids Corner: The Price of Lies - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion “The Price of Lies” at Have you ever told a fib? Believe it or not, lies that seem small can hurt others, and we eventually have to pay the cost for them. Check out all the great content at, like KC’s Lent and Easter Collection.

Kids in Action Video - Kids in Action host Maya meets Hudson and Cole performing incredible stunts, balancing acts, and juggling…lots of juggling. Check out more YouTube Kids in Action videos at Kids in Action, a web series by Kids Corner, tells stories of amazing kids who are doing God's work right now.

Groundwork: God's Design for Sex and Relationships - Song of Songs offers us a vision of relationships that is in stark contrast to the self-serving models we see around us in culture. Join our Groundwork conversation as we study Song of Songs 3-8 to learn about God’s design for sex and love, which is filled with self-sacrifice, mutuality, commitment, delight, love, and respect and is deeply rooted in his own character. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Kids Corner: Living in God's Kingdom - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion “Living in God’s Kingdom” at Have you noticed that the Bible is full of stories about the kingdom of God? That theme appears more than 80 times in the New Testament. What does it mean to be a part of God’s kingdom? Check out all the great content at, like KC’s Lent and Easter Collection.

Kids Corner: Lent 1: Washing Stinky Feet - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion “Lent 1: Washing Stinky Feet” at In John 13, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet—a humble act of service that surprised everyone. He demonstrated that love isn’t just about words; it’s about doing for others, even in unexpected ways. Check out all the great content at, like KC’s Lent and Easter Collection.

World Renew

Join Communities Around the World in Finding Solutions to End Hunger - Next week, on Canadian Foodgrains Bank Sunday, join World Renew to learn how they are working with communities struggling with food insecurity to address immediate food needs and find long-term solutions to end hunger. Through your offering, you can help World Renew provide vulnerable families with food baskets, food vouchers, the training they need to sustainably grow food, and more. Through World Renew’s unique partnership with Canadian Foodgrains Bank, your gifts will be matched up to 4X. For more information go to:

Let’s Answer God’s Call to Feed the Hungry - God provides more than enough food to feed the global population; yet around the world, millions of people are in food crisis. Now more than ever we need to answer God’s call to feed the hungry. Today is Canadian Foodgrains Bank Sunday and through your gifts you can help World Renew provide emergency food to address the immediate needs of families in food crisis and the training communities need to sustainably overcome hunger. Your gifts will be matched up to 4X by Canadian Foodgrains Bank. To donate, call 1-888-WRLD-RNW or go online to:

Thank you for Helping Answer God’s Call to Feed the Hungry - Last week, generous-hearted people like you helped share Christ’s hope with families around the world struggling with hunger. Thank you! Your offering will help World Renew and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank address the emergency food needs of vulnerable families and provide communities with the training they need to overcome hunger, not just today, but for generations. To learn more about how World Renew is answering God’s call to feed the hungry, please visit:

World Renew DRS Sunday is Next Week - The damage from a tornado, flood, wildfire, or hurricane is overwhelming for people who have lost their belongings — but you can help. Join us next week for World Renew DRS Sunday. Your prayers and financial support provide vital services for those in need. Visit, call 1-800-552-7972, or email [email protected] to give or to learn more.


Now Hiring: Great Escape Day Camp! - Great Escape Day Camp is currently accepting applications for camp counselors and assistant camp counselors for the upcoming summer. If you love Jesus and have a heart for working with children or youth, this could be just the summer job for you! Located on the Harderwyk Ministries Campus (Holland, MI), camp staff plan and lead activities for elementary and middle school age campers. Mon-Fri daytime shifts only: NO NIGHTS OR WEEKENDS! Compensation includes the hourly wage, a $100.00 sign-on bonus, $50.00 refer-a-friend bonus, and free lunch/snacks all summer (an estimated $375.00 value). This is an excellent opportunity for college students pursuing future careers working with children or youth. If working as a part of this ministry sounds like it could be a fit for you or someone you know, be sure to check out our website at Job descriptions and applications may be found under the Community Programs Icon. Questions? Contact us directly at [email protected] or (616) 928-0306.

Annual Inter-Classis Safe Church Conference - The 2025 annual inter-classis safe church conference is scheduled for March 1, 2025, from 9:00 am-3:30 pm at the Waterloo (Ontario) CRC. Sheila Wray Gregoire will be the plenary speaker. Dr. Amanda Benckhuysen and Julia Rathbun, both Safe Church Consultants with the CRCNA, will be leading workshops. The conference is hosted by the Classis Huron Safe Church Team. To register please go to Please register by February 27. Questions can be directed to Carel Geleynse, Classis Huron Safe Church Coordinator, at [email protected]

Faith Alive Temporary Shutdown - IMPORTANT NOTICE: From February 17 to February 26, the Faith Alive call center and website will not be accepting orders. On February 27 their new online store will launch and be ready to serve church resource needs once again!

Calvin University

Paul’s Missionary Journeys in Greece - October 13-24, 2025: Travel by motor coach (6 days) and cruise ship (4 days) to sites connected with Paul’s second and third missionary journeys, as well as visit other major sites of biblical, archaeological, and cultural interest. Jeff Weima, professor at Calvin Theological Seminary and leading Pauline scholar, hosts this inspirational tour. For more information, contact Dr. Weima at 616-328-3110 or [email protected].


Thrive Faith Formation Tip - “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?” (Isaiah 58:6, NIV). All through the Bible, seeking justice and flourishing for all people in the face of injustice is an integral part of following the Lord. This week, as we observe the World Day of Social Justice, write down five reasons why you believe pursuing justice is an act of faithful discipleship and faith formation. Brought to you by Thrive:

Consejo de Formación en la Fe de Thrive - “¿No es acaso este el ayuno que he escogido: desatar las cadenas de la injusticia y desatar las correas del yugo, poner en libertad a los oprimidos y romper todo yugo?” (Isaías 58:6, NVI). A lo largo de la Biblia, buscar la justicia y el bienestar de todas las personas en medio de la injusticia es una parte integral de seguir al Señor. Esta semana, al observar el Día Mundial de la Justicia Social, escribe cinco razones por las que crees que buscar la justicia es un acto de discipulado fiel y formación en la fe. Presentado por Thrive:

Thrive 신앙 훈련 팁- - "내가 기뻐하는 금식은 흉악의 결박을 풀어주며 멍에의 줄을 끌러 주며 압제 당하는 자를 자유하게 하며 모든 멍에를 꺾는 것이 아니겠느냐?”(사 58:6) 성경은 불의에 맞서 모든 사람의 정의와 번영을 추구하는 것이 주님을 따르는 데 있어서 중요한 부분임을 강조합니다. 이번 주, 세계 사회 정의의 날을 맞이하여 정의를 추구하는 것이 왜 신실한 제자도의 실천이자 신앙 성장의 과정이라고 믿는지 다섯 가지 이유를 적어보세요. Thrive에서 제공하는 자료입니다: