Discover All That The Bridge App Has to Offer
Technology is continually changing the ways we communicate, bringing challenges as well as new and exciting opportunities for the ministry of the local church.
In order to position churches to explore and embrace these opportunities, the Christian Reformed Church has partnered with software developer Extreme Technology Inc. to develop The Bridge App.
The Bridge App enables a local church to communicate instantly with members wherever they may be, via smartphone or tablet. Donations can be accepted for the church budget as well as other ministries and causes. And a complete directory with essential contact information is always at your members’ fingertips.
What sets this app apart from other smartphone apps geared toward churches is that The Bridge App aims to be RELATIONAL, MISSIONAL and LOCAL with the emphasis on the ministry priorities of your congregation. And the various functions are designed to enhance the ways you serve your congregation.
The Bridge App is affordable, easy to set up and maintain, and provides new opportunities to connect with your congregation throughout the week.
We invite you to learn more about getting started with The Bridge App for your congregation.
About Us
Relational • Missional • Local
The mission of The Bridge App is to create a bridge between ministry resources and local churches and their disciples, with an aim to strengthen individuals within the local church context.
Your Bridge App team can assist you in getting the app up and running, and provide ideas for utilizing the app as well as technical support and troubleshooting assistance.
Dorothy Vandersteen
[email protected]
Dorothy is the Program Manager for The Bridge App. Along with technical support at the app developer, she works alongside churches and classes as they realize the benefits of using The Bridge App in their church communities.
Ken Bosveld
[email protected]
Ken is the Canadian Regional Resource Coordinator, serving primarily to support churches in their use of The Bridge App. In addition to assisting with communication to local Bridge App administrators, Ken helps to promote ways that the local church can fully utilize the app, and assists with troubleshooting and technical matters.