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CPE Training Facilities

ACPE - Association of Clinical Pastoral Education
APC - Association of Professional Chaplains
CPE - Clinical Pastoral Education
CPSP - College of Pastoral Supervision & Psychotherapy
CASC - Canadian Association for Spiritual Care

For a list of APC approved CPE training facilities go to the ACPE website to find Accredited CPE Centers

CASC is a national multifaith organization, committed to the professional education, certification and support of people involved in spiritual care, pastoral counselling, education and research. We provide educational programs for interested persons who are preparing to become professional providers of Spiritual Care and Pastoral Counselling in a variety of institutional and community settings such as health care, corrections, education and private practice.

CPSP - These units differ somewhat in content and structure from those sanctioned by the APC. If you later chose to seek board certification from the APC, currently only one of these units will qualify toward the four required units of CPE.  CPSP Directory of Accredited Training Centers

Healthcare Chaplains Ministry Association - HCMA has been a professional chaplaincy organization since 1939. In addition to clinical pastoral education, HCMA also offers certification as a Board Certified Chaplain (for healthcare chaplaincy). or call 714-752-3626