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Top 10 Do Justice Articles of 2024

January 3, 2025

Enjoy this look back at the top Do Justice articles written in 2024 (ranked by top pageviews).  It was a big year for us to be reading and praying about justice and you’ll see themes of this year in all of our top articles.  It is our hope and prayer that these articles blessed you and moved you to new action.

1. SERVEing in an Urban Community - MacKenzie Knoll

Part of ThereforeGo Ministries' mission is that SERVE will introduce students to spreading the gospel through missional living and confronting issues of justice. It’s all about a transformation that lasts a lifetime. 

2. Being Different - Faye Yu

I immigrated to the United States when I was 6 years old; a few months shy of turning 7. I started second grade without a word of English. 

3. My Retirement is Today - Viviana Cornejo

In the opportunity to reflect on these years I work, more and more I realize that the core of the gospel is not a program or a model, and we rely so much in them. The center of the gospel is love, care, respect, and wanting the other to be better.

4. Saint Georgina -  Jonathan Nicolai-deKoning

Georgina is a 60-year old mother and grandmother who lives in southern Honduras, in a town called El Espino close to the Nicaraguan border.  She has more energy than most 20 years olds I know, and speaks faster than an auctioneer.  

5. A Prayer for Poll Workers - Diane Dykgraff

King of the universe, show us the joy that comes from doing all things, including working the polls, to the honor and glory of your name. May the work of our hands be acceptable to you. 

6. Over the Hill: Aging, Disability, and Faith - Mike Walker

That’s another saying that folks in this society have—once you fit into a particular age category, you’re “over the hill.” When people say this, they may be implying that everything goes downhill from “here,” wherever that is, but that can be a good thing. Hills are difficult to climb, especially when you have differences in mobility and balance! 

7. The CRCNA’s Nineveh - Jeremiah Damir Bašurić

In the story of Jonah, the sailors and pagan Nineveh were more faithful to the gospel then the prophet Jonah himself. Perhaps our own Ninevehs hold a deposit of Hashem’s grace to awaken the church back to our calling and Christ’s love.

8. Must Christians Always be Nice? - Jenna C. Hoff

While I never parent other people’s children, especially right in front of them, the mother in me had to act. Grabbing my cane and communication board, I clambered out of the hot tub and made my way over to the girl and her mother. “You can tell him to stop if he’s making you uncomfortable,” I wrote on my board. 

9. Pretendians: Indigenous Identity Fraud - Patti Victor

However, collective identity requires more than merely claiming to be or self-identifying as a member. It requires recognition of the individual by the collective to establish the relationship. 

10. Spirituality and Justice for Trees - Avery Davis Lamb

Old growth trees, in particular, provide all sorts of ecosystem services, building physical resilience in the midst of fires, flooding, and extreme heat. These trees pull carbon out of the atmosphere and store it in their bodies, they safeguard biodiversity and serve as sites of climate refugia, they reduce flood and erosion risk in the face of extreme weather.