The Parable of the Talents and Making choices about our Energy Use

In the Biblical story known as the Parable of the Talents, an interesting, if not surprising, question is raised about investments. The Biblical story is not afraid to consider whether or not we make investments, but what might the investments look like. Is it wise to use our talents, our money, to invest in the future?
The Biblical story says yes. There are four people in the story: the investor and three people who receive money from the investor. One recipient receives five talents and turns it into five more. A second recipient receives two talents and through investments obtains two more. The third recipient takes the talent he receives and buries it for safe keeping, making no investment at all. The story’s moral: take the talents you are given, invest them wisely and watch the benefits multiply.
When the original investor checks on the recipients, he discovers that two of the recipients have increased their money, while the person who kept their talent safe doesn’t make more money. The investor is happy about the two who have a return on the investment, but is angry that the third recipient in the name of safety has not produced any income.
The story offers a stark choice: we can hide our talents or we can put our talents to work, reaping more reward. This parable teaches us the important lesson of investing in efforts that will further God’s work. One such investment is doing justice and caring for creation, which is needed for environmental justice and sustainability.
This parable is useful to those who are committed to ending the climate crisis and reducing pollution from the burning of oil, gas and coal. One of the important tasks for those committed to the sustainability of God’s creation and environmental justice is making energy choices.
The results of using oil, gas and coal are pretty clear. Not only is the use of fossil fuels causing climate change, but the pollution emitted by these fuels is damaging human health, especially those who are low-income or are people of color.
One of the options that many of us have is to invest in an electric vehicle. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) did research about the reasons that people in New York state are purchasing or leasing electric vehicles. The reasons that were given often had to do with the fact that electric vehicles were good investments. They found these five reasons were the most important for acquiring an electric vehicle and investing in the future:
1. Electric Vehicles Charging Costs Less Than Filling Up Gas-Powered VehiclesThe fact charging costs were not as expensive was selected by 33% of respondents, making it the highest-ranking reason for owning or leasing an electric vehicle. Gasoline and diesel prices are vulnerable to significant price fluctuations, whereas EV drivers pay $1.22 on average for the equivalent of one gallon of gasoline[2].
2. Lower Overall Costs Over the Lifetime of the VehicleAround 31% of respondents cited lower lifetime ownership costs for electric vehicles as a leading reason for forgoing a gasoline-powered vehicle. The lifetime costs of an electric vehicle include the cost of the purchase or lease (minus rebates and tax credits), energy/fuel costs, and maintenance costs.
3. Lower Maintenance Costs Than Gas-Powered VehiclesCost savings comprise the top three reasons for driving an EV, with 28% of respondents selecting lower maintenance costs as their motivation for making the switch.
4. Avoid Using GasolineSustainability ranks among the top reasons for driving an EV. Around 27% of respondents selected avoiding the use of gasoline or other fossil fuels as a key reason for going electric.
5. No Tailpipe Emissions or Exhaust FumesEliminating tailpipe emissions from their personal vehicle was selected by 23% of respondents.
Recently, Congress provided incentives for a clean energy future and the Administration produced guidelines for clean cars and trucks. Together, these policy pieces help invest in a healthy and just future. For a livable future that upholds human health, delivers environmental justice and ensures a healthy climate, we, as a nation, need to invest in clean vehicles.