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For full reports and exact statements of the CRCNA position on a particular issue, see references provided below.

우리의 입장

하나님께서는 인간에게 창조적 잠재력을 발달시키고 하나님의 영광을 위해 그것을 활용하라는 문화명령을 주셨습니다. 기독교인은 인간 삶의 모든 영역에서 무엇이 선하고 악한지 하나님의 뜻을 분별하는 것을 배워야 하고, 하나님 대신에 임시적이고 악한 것을 사랑하는 세속성을 회피하고, 사회를 그리스도에게 순종하게 해야 합니다. 기독교인은 심지어 성경이 명령하거나 금하지 않은 것들을 즐길 때에도 세상과 영적으로 분리되어야 합니다. 그런 문제들에 관해, 신자들은 성령의 조명을 받은 양심에 따라 기독교적 자유를 누리며, 기도함으로 하나님의 말씀과 성령에 순종하고, 교회 직분자들의 목회적 지침을 인정해야만 합니다.

또한 , 영화 예술 항목을 보십시오.


The CRC made its first official declaration on the topic of "worldly amusements" in 1928. Synod said that these doctrinal and ethical principles should guide believers in their relation to the world and its amusements: the honor of God, the welfare of humanity, spiritual separation from the world, and the exercise of Christian liberty. It also urgently warned members against the amusements of theater attendance, dancing, and card playing. In 1949 synod decided to study the issue again, and in 1951 it clarified previous declarations.

Synod 1966 adopted a report titled "The Church and the Film Arts," which states the official position of the CRC: The art of film is considered a legitimate cultural medium to be used with discernment by Christians. In the late 1970s Calvin College (now Calvin University) decided to allow social dancing by students on its campus. Its request for synod's support and/or response led to the study "Dance and the Christian Life," which was commissioned in 1978, recommended to the churches for study in 1980, and brought to Synod 1982. That year synod reaffirmed the position of 1966 on the relationship of the Christian to the world and on the exercise of Christian liberty. It also adopted recommendations regarding dance as a cultural expression, Christian evaluation of dance forms, and guidelines for Christian institutions. The Liturgical Committee of CRC Publications was asked to study the use of liturgical dance in worship, and it reported on that matter in 1985. Synod received the report as information and referred it to the churches but withheld action regarding the implementation of liturgical dance.

References to Agendas and Acts of Synod

Acts of Synod 1926, pp. 56-58, 181-82
Acts of Synod 1928, pp. 86-89
Acts of Synod 1932, pp. 36-37
Acts of Synod 1940, pp. 95-98, 186-97
Acts of Synod 1944, pp. 30-32, 368-69
Acts of Synod 1949, pp. 47, 51-55
Acts of Synod 1950, pp. 19, 148
Acts of Synod 1951, pp. 62, 65-66, 126-69
Acts of Synod 1966, pp. 32-36, 316-61
Acts of Synod 1967, pp. 223, 651
Acts of Synod 1971, pp. 139, 609-23
Acts of Synod 1977, pp. 97, 210-11, 214-24
Acts of Synod 1978, pp. 106-7, 129, 167-71, 650, 652, 655
Acts of Synod 1980, pp. 64-66, 79-81, 103, 216-17, 448-66, 584, 594
Acts of Synod 1982, pp. 86-91, 556-75
Acts of Synod 1983, pp. 39, 499-500, 673
Acts of Synod 1984, pp. 198-99, 437-38, 594, 631, 656
Acts of Synod 1985, pp. 242-57, 638-39, 785-87