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For full reports and exact statements of the CRCNA position on a particular issue, see references provided below.

우리의 입장

인간의 춤을 출 수 있는 능력과 춤을 추려고 하는 성향은 창조에 근거한 것이지 타락에 근거한 것이 아닙니다. 춤은 예술적 민감성과 그의 창조물들의 사회성을 통해 보여지는 하나님의 형상의 타당한 표현입니다. 그러나 피조물인 인간의 다른 능력과 같이 춤도 타락하고 죄악된 상황으로 고통을 받습니다. 그 결과 기독교인은 어떤 형태의 춤은 다른 것보다 은혜가 되지 않는다는 것을 인식하면서, 춤 자체를 거부하는 대신 회복시켜야 합니다.  


In the late 1970s Calvin College (now Calvin University) decided to allow social dancing on its campus as a wholesome recreational activity. Its request for synod's response led to a study entitled "Dance and the Christian Life," which was commissioned in 1978, recommended to the churches for study in 1980, and brought to Synod 1982. That synod reaffirmed the position of 1966 on the relationship of the Christian to the world and on the exercise of Christian liberty. It also adopted recommendations regarding dance as a cultural expression, Christian evaluation of dance forms, and guidelines regarding dance for Christian institutions. The Liturgical Committee of CRC Publications was asked to study the use of liturgical dance in worship, and it reported on that matter in 1985. Synod received the report as information and referred it to the churches but withheld action regarding the implementation of liturgical dance.

References to Agendas and Acts of Synod

Acts of Synod 1971, pp. 139, 609-23
Acts of Synod 1977, pp. 97, 210-11, 214-24
Acts of Synod 1978, pp. 106-7, 129, 167-71, 650, 652, 655
Acts of Synod 1980, pp. 79-81, 103, 448-66
Acts of Synod 1982, pp. 86-91, 556-75
Acts of Synod 1983, pp. 39, 499-500, 673
Acts of Synod 1984, pp. 198-99, 437-38, 594, 631, 656
Acts of Synod 1985, pp. 242-57, 638-39, 785-87