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Tent Living is No Vacation for Syrian Refugees

June 22, 2016

World Renew

As the summer season approaches, many people look forward to spending some time with nature and family on a camping vacation.

For Adnon Wasem (not his real name) and his family, however, sleeping in a tent is not something they do by choice.

Adnon, his wife and three children are Syrian refugees who have been living in a tent in Lebanon for more than two years. In the winter, he wakes up in the middle of the night to brush the snow off the roof so the tent won’t collapse.

In the summer, the family has trouble sleeping at night because the tent gets too hot. They are grateful, however, to have a roof over their heads and a safe place to call home.

Adnon and his family used to live in a suburb of a city in northwestern Syria. They owned half an acre of land and would grow vegetables to eat.

During the agricultural season, Adnon would go to Lebanon to work as a seasonal laborer. It was a simple life, but he earned enough to support his family the rest of the year.

The war in Syria has changed all that. Bombing, shooting, kidnapping, and destruction have been ravaging Syria for more than five years. When it reached Adnon’s community, he knew that his family had to leave. They packed what they could and fled to Lebanon.

After finding land to live on in Lebanon, Adnon bought materials and built a tent for his family to live in. He also ran a wire to the tent to provide them with some electricity. They pay $200 a month in rent to stay on the land.

Since Adnon’s work permit has expired, however, he finds it difficult to find work. Sometimes he gets hired to work in the nearby orchards, but with 1.1 million Syrian refugees in the country the competition for those jobs is fierce.  The pay is also very little. 

For a full day of work, he earns about $27 USD. Through World Renew and its local partner, the Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development, Adnon and his family receive $40 of food vouchers each month. They can use these to buy groceries and other supplies at local vendors.

World Renew also provides them with milk and diapers. It isn’t a lot, but Adnon says it is making it possible for them to survive.

World Renew has been helping Syrian refugees like Adnon since 2012. Currently, World Renew is  assisting 1,235 households living in Lebanon and 2,000 families who have been displaced but are still living within Syria. The needs continue to be great, and support is urgently needed.

Please join Adnon and World Renew in praying for peace. If peace came to Syria, Adnon says that he and his family would want to go home. They dream of their children going to school and having a future.  Please pray that this might happen soon.