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CRC Members Looking for Inspiration at Inspire 2017

April 5, 2017

Kevin teBrake, pastor at Exeter (Ont.) Christian Reformed Church, is looking forward to making the trip this summer to attend Inspire 2017.

Taking place Aug. 3-5- in Detroit, Mich., the event is designed for people involved in ministry at any level in any of the CRC’s 1,000-plus congregations.

“God has a plan for the Christian Reformed Church, and we are humbled that he has included us on this journey,” said teBrake.

“It will be exciting to come together as a church family of Reformed believers to pray, to worship, to learn, and to encourage one another.”

The three-day conference in Detroit will connect people for three days of worship, practical workshops, speakers, and conversation. It will be an occasion to build friendships, share ministry experiences, and, as CRC members, celebrate being part of God’s grace-filled kingdom.

Inspire 2017 will be an opportunity to personally grow in our relationships with one another and with the Lord,” said teBrake.

“We look forward to God’s transforming us, and as we go back to our respective congregations, our transformation will lead to others’ being transformed by the Spirit.”

Across the CRC, congregations are sending as many as 15 of their ministry leaders to be refreshed, refocused, and inspired at the event.

Eight people, including Pastor Ray Vander Kooij, from Bethel CRC in Acton, Ont. have plans to attend Inspire 2017. Every year church leaders at Bethel try to attend a conference from which they can benefit in their ministry.

“When, as staff, we started to get information about Inspire 2017, this looked to be a great fit, with an accessible location for us,” Vander Kooij said.

“We’re looking forward to traveling and attending together as a team-building shared experience, and being open to God’s growing and shaping us individually and as a team.”

Tim DeWeerd, a ministry leader at Exeter CRC, said he wants to be at Inspire because he sees it as a way in which the denomination is seeking to spread Christ’s message of bringing love and making disciples throughout the world.

“My desire is to be part of a 180-degree transformation where the church influences the world, and the world no longer influences the church,” said DeWeerd.

Noreen Vaillant belongs to Exeter’s small-group committee as well her small group. She is part of a choir and is looking for other ways to become more involved in the Exeter CRC community.

“By attending Inspire, I am looking forward to being refreshed and refueled with new ideas and approaches, reaffirmations, and a renewed love of community that I may bring back to my home church. In short, I am looking forward to being inspired.”