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Synod 2022 adopted a recommendation that all councils undergo a 60-minute video training to prepare for responding to allegations of abuse. The goal of the training is to familiarize the council with what abuse looks like, the impact on those victimized by abuse, the challenges of responding well, and the process in the CRC for responding to allegations that are brought forward. While the resource can be used as a refresher when allegations of abuse are brought to the council, we would encourage councils to go through this training as part of their onboarding process for new council members to familiarize them with the process and the options available before a situation of abuse arises. Also linked to this page is a pdf of the flow chart of the process that is discussed in the video, the case study that is taken up in the video, and the Guidelines for Handling Abuse Against a Ministry leader.
Flow Chart of the Advisory Panel Process
Case Study for Responding to Abuse Allegation Training
Guidelines for Handling Abuse Allegations Against a Ministry Leader - English | Spanish | Korean
Responding to Abuse: A Toolkit for Churches
*NEW* - Thrive Investigation Process