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Justice Prayers - January 29, 2025

January 29, 2025

“Faith is a footbridge that you don't know will hold you up over the chasm until you're forced to walk out onto it.”

― Nicholas Wolterstorff, Lament for a Son


Rwandan-backed rebel faction M23 claims, as of January 27th, 2025, to have captured Goma, the largest city in eastern Congo. Moments before a deadline passed, members of M23 released a statement asking the residents of Goma to stay calm, and further demanding that Congolese soldiers assemble at a central stadium. Although the group calls for peace in the city, Goma’s capture may place further strain on the population of North Kivu, the Congolese province where the city is located; sources in Congo assert that more than a third of the people in North Kivu have been displaced by the conflict.

God of true peace and compassion, we pray for the dangerous and disorienting situation in Congo. Bring calm not only to the civilians of Goma, but to soldiers and leaders on both sides. Help them to create a peace like yours – a peace that reaches the roots of people’s hearts and lives. In your loving name, amen.


Storm Éowyn besieged Ireland and Northern Ireland with high winds on Friday, January 24th, 2025; as a result, one person died, almost one-third of homes and businesses are without power, and hundreds of flights have been cancelled. Irish police claim that the one casualty was a man in County Donegal; he died when a tree propelled by high winds fell on his car. The Irish weather bureau Met Eireann asserted that winds gusting up to 183 km an hour overnight at Mace Head in County Galway conditionally broke an 80-year-old record of 182 km/h.

Gracious God, your Son calmed the winds and waters. Send your peace to the people of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Grant them security from the raging storms that buffet them. Help your people to support those around them amidst climate events like these. May your Spirit move gently through that situation as the storm abates. In your name, amen.


Lebanese authorities have claimed that Israeli forces have killed 22 people in south Lebanon on Sunday, January 26th, as a deadline for the IDF’s withdrawal from the region passed. Lebanon's Health Ministry has asserted that 22 people were killed and another 124 wounded across southern Lebanon, because Israel had attacked citizens while they were trying to enter their still-occupied towns. In response, the Israelis claimed that their forces "operating in southern Lebanon fired warning shots to remove threats in a number of areas where suspects were identified approaching the troops." The White House has advocated for a stronger ceasefire deal.

Gracious God, through your prophets, you say that all your people will return home one day. Help friends and allies on the ground to support the civilians of Lebanon as they return home. Work in the hearts of Lebanese and Israeli peace-brokers, so that all the people of that region might know peace. In the peaceful name of Jesus, amen!

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