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Justice Prayers - December 7, 2022

December 7, 2022

"The season of Advent means there is something on the horizon the likes of which we have never seen before. So stay. Sit. Linger. Tarry. Ponder. Wait. Behold. Wonder. There will be time enough for running."

-  Jan Richardson

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

In light of the news from Winnipeg about the serial killings of 4 Indigenous women, we pray:

How long Lord, until your people stand up and say NO MORE to the violence endemic against Indigenous women and girls. How long? Why does it take horror to draw our attention to the real lives of real Indigenous women? Do not let us off the hook God for our neighbors well-being.

Violence Against Women

Dec. 6 is Canada’s day to remember the massacre of women at Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnique in 1989 when 14 women were murdered and 13 others injured by an anti-feminist man.

Lord Jesus, the one who shows us exactly how we are to value one another, help us as your people to never forget that violence against women borne out of misogyny and sin still affects us all. May we be people who speak life into healthy relationships between men and women and who protect and promote the contributions of women-as they discern for themselves the best contributions they are to make- in our communities, churches and families.

RSV, The Flu and COVID Create High Numbers of Sick Children

As RSV, influenza and COVID-19 are hitting populations across North America hard, especially children. Some Children’s hospitals in Canada are redeploying hospice workers and those working in community clinics, decreasing the capacity of those clinics to treat others. Temporary heated trailers in parking lots are being built to focus on the capacity-bursting levels of very sick children.

We pray for the children who are sick and the ripple effects this has on families, schools, communities and health care systems. Lord help their bodies fight off the viruses and comfort them. We pray for the mental, emotional and physical health of doctors, nurses and caregivers during this time of crisis. May we all choose to promote the health and well-being of our neighbors this flu season as an act of worship and obedience to you God.

Medical Assistance in Dying

"The Association of Chairs of Psychiatry in Canada, (which includes heads of psychiatry departments at all 17 medical schools), called for a delay to the change in MAID legislation set to begin in Mid-March 2023.  They cited a lack of public education on suicide prevention as well as an agreed-upon definition of irremediability, or at what point someone will not be able to recover, are also important, unresolved issues.  

We pray for wisdom in this legislation to prevail:

Lord of the light and the dark, we pray that legislators would hear the warnings of experts and the weaknesses of this proposed change in the legislation.  We pray that we, the broader community, would create the possibility, through advocacy and policy, for better access to care and mental health services.  Do not let us forget that we, the community of Christ, can improve the social determinants of health and mental health - for everyone.  

Becoming (part of) the Answer to our Own Prayers

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday: January 22, 2023

In January many churches mark Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Explore worship resources for helping your church remember the sanctity of human life, including free bulletin inserts, a prayer, and guidance for planning. Stay tuned for advocacy opportunities.

Support Permanent Immigration Solutions

On October 5 the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Current recipients can maintain their status, but no new applications will be processed.

A permanent legislative solution is needed to protect the lives, dreams, families, and futures of Dreamers and other undocumented immigrants. Urge your Members of Congress to ensure a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, TPS-holders, and essential workers.