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For full reports and exact statements of the CRCNA position on a particular issue, see references provided below.

우리의 입장

북미주 개혁교회는 종말론, 특히 요한계시록의 해석에서 주로 무천년주의를 지지하지만, 교단 내 교회들이 그 입장과 관련해 구체적인 선언을 한 적은 없습니다. 무천년적 종말론에 대한 신학적 도전들에 대응해, 북미주 개혁교회는 1920년 아래의 간략한 진술들을 채택했는데, 함축적으로 세대주의와 전천년주의의 몇가지 측면들을 거부합니다.

          ...우리의 신조에 따르면 다음에 관해 의심의 여지가 전혀 없습니다.

  1. 모든 시대의 교회의 연합에서 (고대) 이스라엘도 배제되지 않습니다. 모든 시대의 교회는 본질적으로 하나입니다.
  2. 그리스도의 왕권. 그리스도는 유기적 연합으로서 교회의 머리이실 뿐만 아니라 문자그대로 법적인 측면에서도 교회의 왕이 되십니다.


Synod dealt with an eschatological matter in 1918 and 1920 that became known as the Bultema Case and that resulted in the deposition of Rev. Harry Bultema. Rev. Bultema had authored a book titled Maranatha, in which he tried to graft premillennialism into Reformed theology. In response to overtures about the Bultema case, synod declared his views to be contrary to the confessions of the church. The particular views were that the church did not exist until after Christ and that Christ was King not of the church but of Israel. Synod 1918 affirmed that "the church of all ages is essentially one," "Israel not excluded," and that Christ is "emphatically King of His Church." Although Bultema's consistory (First CRC of Muskegon) refused to discipline him, the classis deposed him in 1919. Legal battles over church property ensued. In 1920 representatives of Bultema's church and groups in Grand Rapids, Grand Haven, Holland, Moline, and Chicago met to form a new denomination, the Berean Reformed Church.

Synod never commissioned a study on this subject. However, the Reformed Ecumenical Synod (RES) did have a study committee on eschatology that reported in 1972. Synod 1974 recommended the study committee's report to the CRC churches for study. Synod 1975 found the RES study insufficient but decided not to ask the RES for a more detailed study.

References to Agendas and Acts of Synod

Acts of Synod 1918, pp. 77-80
Acts of Synod 1920, pp. 73-74, 96-97
Acts of Synod 1975, pp. 20, 467-70
Acts of the RES, 1963, pp. 34-36, 66-91
Acts of the RES, 1972, pp. 128-45
Beets, Henry. The Christian Reformed Church in North America, 1923, pp. 116-18
Kromminga, John. The Christian Reformed Church: A Study in Orthodoxy, 1949