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For full reports and exact statements of the CRCNA position on a particular issue, see references provided below.

우리의 입장

북미주 개혁교회는 모든 인간이 하나님의 형상을 담고 있기 때문에, 모든 인간 생명에 특별한 가치를 부여합니다. 제 6계명- “살인하지 말지니라“(출 20:13)는 말씀을 근거로 교단은 태아의 수정부터 사망 시점까지 중 인간이 어떤 발달단계에 존재하든지 간에 모든 인간에 대한 고의적 혹은 임의적 파괴를 정죄합니다. 교단은 오직 임신의 지속으로 인해 산모의 생명이 심각하게 위협될 때에만 낙태 유도 선택이 허용될 수 있다고 봅니다.

우리는 신자들이 원치 않는 임신을 경험하고 낙태를 한 자들에게 기독교적 연민을 나타내고 도움을 제공할 것을 요청합니다. 더욱이, 교단은 신자들이 낙태의 잔혹성을 고발하고, 인간 생명의 존엄성에 관한 성경의 가르침을 반영하는 활동이나 입법을 증진시키고, 낙태를 행하는 사람에 대한 모든 폭력을 거부하도록 요청합니다.

또한 생명 항목도 보십시오.


The Christian Reformed Church took its official stand on abortion in 1972 in response to overtures and a study committee appointed in 1971. Its synod has dealt with the issue of abortion several times since then. It endorsed the Human Life Amendment in 1976 and urged the churches to do all in their power to protect and promote the sanctity of human life. Synod defeated an overture to designate an annual Sanctity of Human Life Sunday because it was hesitant to add to the number of special Sundays. However, in 1981 and in 1995 it did encourage the churches to give continued attention to this important issue and to use the anniversary date of the United States Supreme Court decision on abortion in the most effective way possible.

In 1996, in response to concern about a Calvin College (now Calvin University) professor whose position on abortion did not agree with the official position of the CRC, synod noted that synodical decisions do not preclude faculty discussion, debate, or disagreement with the substance of the position taken. Synod reaffirmed its position on abortion in 1997 and condemned the practice of partial-birth abortion. Synod 1998 urged the churches to continue to oppose the atrocity of abortion, to minister to those who do not choose abortion as well as to those who suffer from its aftermath, and to reject all violence against those who perpetrate abortion. Synod 1999 considered an overture to study abortion and pregnancy-related issues along with an overture regarding ethical and theological issues in bioscience, and in response synod appointed a study committee "to examine the biblical/theological/ethical issues raised by the increasing capabilities and recent discoveries in bioscience and genetic engineering" (Acts of Synod 1999, p. 578).

Synod 2010 received an overture regarding advocacy of the denominational position opposing abortion and adopted a recommendation "to instruct the Office of Social Justice and Hunger Action (OSJ) to boldly advocate for the church’s position against abortion, and to help equip churches to promote the sanctity of human life" (Acts of Synod 2010, p. 883).

References to Agendas and Acts of Synod

Acts of Synod 1971, pp. 48, 651, 667, 672
Acts of Synod 1972, pp. 63-64, 479-84
Acts of Synod 1976, pp. 63-64, 667-68
Acts of Synod 1981, pp. 61, 593
Acts of Synod 1988, p. 528
Agenda for Synod 1990, p. 478
Acts of Synod 1990, p. 596
Agenda for Synod 1993, p. 283
Acts of Synod 1993, p. 515
Agenda for Synod 1995, pp. 525-27
Acts of Synod 1995, p. 659
Agenda for Synod 1996, pp. 313-16
Acts of Synod 1996, p. 528
Agenda for Synod 1997, pp. 443-46
Acts of Synod 1997, pp. 604-7
Agenda for Synod 1998, pp. 208-10
Acts of Synod 1998, pp. 401, 432, 442-43
Agenda for Synod 1999, p. 389
Acts of Synod 1999, pp. 578, 625, 637
Agenda for Synod 2010, p. 661-62
Acts of Synod 2010, p. 883