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There's a movement toward pastors staying in a congregation longer that would have been the case in the past. Knowing when it's time for the pastor to seek another call isn't always easy. It can be challenging for a pastor to be aware of self and of the ministry setting. The fit between pastor and congregation needs to be considered. What might have been a great fit when the pastor arrived may not be the case anymore. Having the pastor engage in a vocational assessment is very helpful in discerning fit. If you have questions related to the length of pastoral tenure, please contact Dave Den Haan or Sean Baker.
Church Order has a number of stipulations regarding pastors and congregations who have come to the end of their ministry together. These are particularly important in situations where there's been a relationship breakdown and conflict. This book walks through each of the articles of our Church Order and their supplements. The articles which specifically address this question and related issues are #12-18.
You may also find it helpful to refer to Christian Reformed Church Order Commentary and Manual of Christian Reformed Church Government.
Church Order notes the protocols set out for pastors and churches to follow when it's deemed necessary by the pastor, the council or by pastor and council jointly, to part ways. There are important provisions in place which seek to ensure that pastors and councils are diligent in caring for each other, and in taking steps towards healing and wholeness, so that as a pastor and as a church, there'll be opportunity to flourish once again. There's an important role that the broader church, through church visitors, classis delegates and synodical deputies fulfills. Altogether, the procedures outlined in article 17 honor the reality of the church as a system in which every member impacts and is impacted by the others. This reality is especially dynamic in the relationship between churches and pastors.