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  • Sharing the Learning

    When classes, pastors, and members share what they’ve learned about prayer, church growth, and life, everyone wins.
    September 11, 2024
  • Planting Churches in Remote Communities

    Ninety minutes on a plane, four hours on a bus, 25 hours on a boat – that’s how long it took missionaries to reach the community where they planted a church.
    September 4, 2024
  • Samantha Sebastia

    Meet Samantha Sebastia

    The daughter of Christian and Eukarys Sebastia, pastors of Carismah Church in Katy, Tex., has emerged as an inspiring young leader within her community.
    September 4, 2024
  • A community Christmas gospel concert at Compass Community Church.

    Following God’s Lead

    Westmount Christian Reformed Church in Strathroy, Ont., was nearly 60 years old when it decided to make a big change.
    August 28, 2024
  • An aerial view of First CRC in Rock Valley, Iowa after a flood in June

    Sunday School after a Flood

    After a flood destroyed $2,000 worth of Sunday school materials at a church in Iowa, a grant made it possible for the congregation to receive replacements at no charge.
    August 21, 2024
  • Participants at the April 2024 Hunger on the Hill event

    Voices for Change

    An event in Ottawa, Ont., is dedicated to amplifying young voices and inspiring the next generation to make a difference in the face of global hunger.
    August 21, 2024
  • Cover of Acts of Synod 2024

    Acts of Synod 2024 Available

    The Acts of Synod 2024, outlining all of the decisions of the CRCNA’s latest denomination-wide assembly, is now available online.
    August 14, 2024
  • Bob Laarman (second from left), director of World Renew Disaster Response Services, with members of the Abbotsford Disaster Response Coalition.

    Church Partners Reignite Hope

    In November 2021, a flood in Abbotsford, B.C., caused the most expensive catastrophe in Canadian history. Many churches in the area quickly worked together to support and serve their hurting community.
    August 14, 2024
  • Statement Regarding Abuse Lawsuit

    We are aware of a lawsuit filed Monday against Christian Reformed Church in North America and Grace Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Mich. alleging that two incidents of sexual abuse occurred, one by a minor abroad and one by a deacon at Grace Christian Reformed Church in the early 2000s.
    August 13, 2024
  • Rising Up at Pease CRC

    At Pease (Minn.) CRC, Kennedy Van Zee smiled, rocked back and forth in her wheelchair, and moved her arms in time with the music as she sang with some 20 other girls.
    August 7, 2024
  • Synod 2024 FAQs Available

    Frequently asked questions about the decisions of Synod 2024 have been gathered and answered in a new resource for the denomination.
    July 31, 2024