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Prayer is a powerful tool that God has given us. We can use it to further our relationship with God, discern his will for the future, present our petitions, lament and confess our transgressions, and praise him for all that he does for us. 

The CRCNA has several resources to help you in your prayer life, the ministries of the CRCNA also covet your prayers in support of ongoing work. 

Join others in praying for synod each year. There is a 40 days of prayer guide in the lead up to synod, as well as opportunities to pray during the event itself. 

The CRC Prayer Guide offers another way to pray for our shared ministry as a denomination, with specific prayer requests for each day of the year. View these prayer requests below, download printer-friendly versions, or get them delivered to your email inbox (choose to receive them daily, weekly, or once a month).

You may also be interested in the prayer section of The Network and the CRC News weekly email.

Wednesday May 1
from: Resonate Global Mission: Ontario

Resonate missionaries Nasser and Sylvie Charliekaram, who serve in Toronto, ask you to pray for refugees worldwide. They especially ask you to pray for their work serving immigrants and refugees who speak Farsi.

Thursday May 2
from: Communications: National Day of Prayer (U.S.)

Join Christians across the United States today in praying for God’s healing and guidance for the nation and the world. May God’s will, love, and wisdom guide leaders at all levels for the good of all communities, families, and individuals.

Friday May 3
from: ReFrame Ministries: Japan

Fumio has been listening to ReFrame’s morning devotional programs and journaling each day. He wrote, “The devotional reflections answer the questions I’m worried about on a daily basis and make me feel refreshed.” Praise God for Fumio’s growing faith.

Saturday May 4
from: Resonate: Mexico

“Thank God that our former campus ministry students who have graduated are working in social work, business, and for the city,” said Resonate missionary James Lee, who works with COMPA campus ministry in Mexico. Please pray for these students as they share the love of Christ in their workplaces. Lee equips them to be missionaries wherever God places them.

Sunday May 5
from: Diaconal Ministries Canada: NewGround Sunday

God is constantly at work doing new things and making a way for positive change in unexpected places (Isa. 43:19). He calls churches to follow him into their communities to be an active part of their transformation. Pray that more churches may utilize the NewGround program (formerly Operation Manna) to help them in this calling.

Monday May 6
from: World Renew: West Africa

Praise God that despite security challenges linked to armed and jihadist groups in West Africa, World Renew and partners are able to work well and meet objectives in seeing communities flourish. Pray for political and social stability in West Africa and for God’s guidance as we work to extend God’s love and hope to communities struggling with hunger and poverty.

Tuesday May 7
from: Resonate: Europe

Resonate missionaries serving among people from a Muslim background in Europe ask you to pray for a woman they are working with, that she may “grow in her trust of the Lord despite her circumstances as an asylum seeker.”

Wednesday May 8
from: Thrive: Children and youth

Please pray for the spiritual development and protection of children and young people in our congregations. Pray also for children's ministry leaders, youth leaders, parents, and caregivers as they model faith practices and contribute to the faith formation of the next generation.

Thursday May 9
from: ReFrame: Ascension Day

Today in the worldwide church we begin a season of longing for Jesus’ return. Pray that God’s people around the world will continue forward with the Great Commission, as found in Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8, sharing the good news of Jesus in all languages.

Friday May 10
from: Resonate: Tennessee

Give thanks for the way God is working through Phil Covert, a Resonate mission network developer, and his ministry, Reality Co. Through this ministry Phil provides support for artists in Nashville. For many of the musicians connected with Reality Co., Phil has become their pastor, and the Reality Co. community has become their church.

Saturday May 11
from: Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Committee: Oneness and grace

Father God, Creator of all of us and of all things, help us to follow your call to be one as you are one. Help us to find things that unite us with our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, instead of things that divide. Have patience with us, O Lord, as we struggle to work that out.

Sunday May 12
from: World Renew: Mother's Day

On this Mother’s Day join us in praying for women’s rights around the world, that women may make positive changes for their families and communities. As Psalm 146 says, God “upholds the cause of the oppressed” and “sustains the fatherless and the widow.” May God bless women everywhere as they contribute to flourishing in his world.

Monday May 13
from: Resonate: Philippines

Resonate missionaries Charles and Hensel Oh in the Philippines are wrapping up Timothy Leadership Training in the Iloilo and Bukidnon communities. Pray for leaders who participated in this training as they begin to practice what they have learned. Ask God to work through these leaders as they serve their churches and communities.

Tuesday May 14
from: Thrive: Leaders

Please pray for pastors and ministry leaders in seasons of transition, whether it be in discerning a new call or preparing for retirement. Pray for wisdom, peace, and courage to follow where the Lord leads.

Wednesday May 15
from: ReFrame: Today devotions

Maria reads the Today devotions and asks for prayers: “I'm a lonely, divorced, disabled 73-year-old woman living alone. I'm trying to renew my faith, but I'm struggling to focus."

Thursday May 16
from: Indigenous Ministry: Hearts Exchanged

Participants in the 2023-24 season of Hearts Exchanged, a reconciliation learning and action journey, are wrapping up their learning this month. Pray for participants, including a cohort for pastors that meets today, as they consider how to use their learning in their local churches in further dialogue and action.

Friday May 17
from: World Renew: Latin America

Agriculture production is deteriorating in Honduras; please ask for God’s provision for the growing number of families struggling with hunger. Pray too that the Nicaraguan government will continue to allow organizations like World Renew to share Christ’s hope with families in crisis. As economic instability and violence worsen in this region, pray for peace and safety.

Saturday May 18
from: Cadets: Season wrap-up

As we near the end of the Cadets season, our "Rooted and Grounded" theme, based on Ephesians 3:17-18, reminds participants of the great love of Christ. We pray that cadets and counselors will reflect that love as they continue living for Jesus.

Sunday May 19
from: Resonate: Pentecost

The Pentecost story includes people speaking in diverse languages—and thousands of people coming to faith in Christ! Please pray for Resonate missionaries, church planters, and campus ministers as we work to spread the gospel to people of all nations.

Monday May 20
from: Thrive: Reconciliation

Lord, thank you for reconciling us to you through your finished work on the cross. Father, help us to remember who we are in you. Be our strength and guide as we strengthen each other. May we be reconciled with each other. Holy Spirit, make us one. Give us the courage to walk together in unity. Lord, help us, and thank you! Amen.

Tuesday May 21
from: World Renew: Diversity and development

May 21 is the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, highlighting the essential role of intercultural dialogue toward peace and sustainable development. Pray that communities may continue to forge effective cooperation and sustain peace, that all cultural rights may be considered in public policies, and that all members of society may benefit from sustainable development.

Wednesday May 22
from: Resonate: Dominican Republic

Pray for a new building project for Pena de Horeb Christian School in the Dominican Republic. For many years this school has been the only one in the community. “Besides providing access to Christ-centered education, the school serves the community with a food program and a small health clinic,” said Resonate missionary Mario Matos.

Thursday May 23
from: ReFrame: Benin

Issa discovered ReFrame’s French ministry broadcast, leading him to God. Despite being part of a Muslim-majority village, he now attends a Christian church weekly. His wife opposes his faith in Christ. Pray for Issa's family unity, his faith journey, and an upcoming meeting he will have with ReFrame’s discipleship team.

Friday May 24
from: Redeemer University: Students and programs

Please pray that Redeemer University may continue to flourish in its mission of preparing students to reflect the love of Jesus Christ in every career and calling. Specifically, pray for new program developments and partnerships Redeemer is exploring that will allow more students to thrive in the years ahead.

Saturday May 25
from: Resonate: Burkina Faso

After participating in Timothy Leadership Training, Joseph started a Christian school in his community in Burkina Faso. This is the only school in that community. Pray that children may not only receive an education from this school but also experience and personally come to know the love of Christ.

Sunday May 26
from: Calvin Theological Seminary: Graduates

Over 50 students will be graduating this month. Rejoice with our graduates and their families and the churches and others who have supported them. Pray for them as they transition to ministry positions, further studies, or other places where God may lead them.

Monday May 27
from: Thrive: Memorial Day (U.S.)

On this Memorial Day, we remember all who had a bright future and gave up their lives while serving their country—lives that ended too soon. We pray too for all who were left behind—friends and family who felt abandoned and unknown in their grief. We live in the hope that one day all wars will cease at the coming of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday May 28
from: ReFrame: Brazil

Pray for Lorena, who follows our Portuguese ministry programs in Brazil. She writes, “I’m grateful for your biblical teachings that uplift me. In 2020, amidst battling breast cancer, I found God. . . . Now healed, I am blessed by your sermons on overcoming struggles. . . . Pray for continued health and Christ's glory through my life.”

Wednesday May 29
from: World Renew: East Africa

As Kenya continues to grapple with unrest due to rising food prices, please pray for peace and stability. Praise God for rains that have allowed for crops to start growing again in this region. Pray also that we may expand community programs and share Christ’s love with more families struggling with hunger, poverty, and injustice.

Thursday May 30
from: Resonate: Campus ministries

Pray for Resonate partner campus ministries as they work to engage students throughout the summer and prepare for the fall semester. Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance in all of their planning, connections, and relationship building.

Friday May 31
from: Thrive: Love

Lord, thank you for loving us unconditionally even when we don’t show love toward each other. Help us to live fruitfully in relationship with each other and to love our neighbors as we love you. Move us to look beyond skin color and see your image in everyone we meet. Help us not just to talk about love but to embody it. Amen.

Saturday June 1
from: ReFrame Ministries: Japan

Pray for a man in Tokyo who says he has been accessing our Japanese ministry resources and attending church services and wants to learn how to pray. “Help me find the words to pray at various times and places each day,” he shared. Pray that he will be open to the Spirit’s guidance as he shares his thoughts with God.

Sunday June 2
from: Thrive: Worship

Pray that every worshiping community in the CRCNA will experience Spirit-filled gospel proclamation and worship that is directed to God, is biblically based and theologically Reformed, and is characterized by creativity, discernment, spiritual vitality, the faith formation of all worshipers, and a call to serve others.

Monday June 3
from: World Renew: Midwest tornadoes

In April/May several deadly tornadoes whipped across the U.S. Midwest, causing widespread, catastrophic damage. World Renew Disaster Response Services (DRS) is in the early stage of assessing needs and developing a long-term response. Please pray for the families affected by these storms, asking that God will use DRS staff and volunteers as a blessing.

Tuesday June 4
from: Resonate Global Mission: Lithuania

This past spring, Resonate missionaries serving at LCC International University in Lithuania celebrated student baptisms in the Baltic Sea! Please pray for these students who have committed their lives to Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide, encourage, and provide for them.

Wednesday June 5
from: ReFrame: Finland

Angela contacted our prayer ministry team and asks for prayers for her church in Finland. Pray for her church and the worldwide church today. “Pray for growth, financial protection, and helping hands. Pray for every church member, love for another, and strength to study the Bible and pray every day,” Angela writes.

Thursday June 6
from: ThereforeGo Ministries: SERVE 2024

As summer begins, we look forward to the beginning of SERVE! Please pray for safety at all of our sites across the U.S. and Canada. This summer participants will be studying the fruit of the Spirit. Pray that their hearts will be fertile soil for the gospel and that they will grow in their relationships with the Lord.

Friday June 7
from: Resonate: Japan and Korea

Resonate missionaries Jeong and Misook Gho, who serve in Japan, are traveling to South Korea this month to lead two Timothy Leadership Training sessions. These trainings equip pastors and church leaders to join God on mission. “Please pray for a safe trip and for strength and wisdom for the trainings,” ask the Ghos.

Saturday June 8
from: World Renew: Kenya

After a time of drought, heavy rains swept through northern Nairobi, Kenya, causing widespread flooding and washing away many farmers’ crops. Pray for God's comfort and provision for all who have lost loved ones and livelihoods. Pray also for guidance for our Kenya staff and partners as they work to share hope with people affected by this disaster.

Sunday June 9
from: Thrive: Justice

Holy Spirit, help us to remember that justice is mission work. We thank you for being the Prince of Peace who can tear down the dividing walls between nations and peoples. Lord, we ask that you replace any hostility in the world with the peace of Christ and any hate with your unconditional love. Amen.

Monday June 10
from: Resonate: Campus ministries

Brian Bork, Resonate’s campus ministry leader, asks you to pray for campus ministries throughout Canada and the United States that are transitioning staff, vision, or more this summer. “Pray that they might hear the voice of God as they discern the way forward, and come to know how best to serve their campuses and communities,” he asks.

Tuesday June 11
from: ReFrame: Chinese ministry

Pray for students at Wheaton University who will be viewing an art installation from our Chinese ministry team. May they learn about the spread of Christianity in China and how media ministry continues to help share the gospel in this challenging context.

Wednesday June 12
from: Calvin Theological Seminary: Summer

Pray for students as they begin summer routines—placements for graduates, summer ministry sites, work, travel, and more. Ask God to keep forming students through their summer activities.

Thursday June 13
from: Resonate: Nicaragua

Resonate missionaries Kate and Vinnie Adams in Nicaragua give thanks that their church community, International Christian Fellowship, has celebrated seven baptisms over the past few months. Give thanks for how God is working through this church community, which Vinnie helps to lead.

Friday June 14
from: Communications: Synod 2024

Today is the first full day of Synod 2024, the annual assembly of delegates from all CRCNA classes. The theme for worship and prayer this year is “God with Us.” As delegates, staff, and visitors begin their work together, please pray that in their interactions, conversations, and decisions they may sense God’s presence and listen for the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Saturday June 15
from: Thrive: Committees

Please pray for the advisory committees meeting at synod today, asking that they may have clarity, grace, and Spirit-led understanding in their communication and discernment.

Sunday June 16
from: World Renew: Refugee Sunday

Over 100 million people have been forcibly displaced worldwide due to persecution, conflict, violence, or human rights violations. We continue to serve and advocate for these vulnerable populations. On this Refugee Sunday and beyond, please join us in praying that God will keep these families safe, providing food and shelter and good health through disaster response, refugee resettlement, and more.

Monday June 17
from: Resonate: Ecumenical relationships

Today during synod, guests from churches around the world will be gathering together for lunch, and Korean delegates will be gathering for dinner. Give thanks for God’s global church and for opportunities to gather as believers. May these times of fellowship and Spirit-filled conversation lead to stronger partnerships and better understandings of one another and the Lord.

Tuesday June 18
from: Candidacy Committee: Candidates

We give thanks for God's provision of leadership for the CRCNA as we celebrate our 2024 candidates for the ministry of the Word! Please join us in asking the Lord to uphold them and guide them in their next steps. Pray also for the Lord of the harvest to send many more laborers into the harvest field.

Wednesday June 19
from: ReFrame: Grace

As delegates continue to meet at Synod 2024, offer this prayer with us from tomorrow’s Today devotions, written by Portuguese-ministry leader Hernandes Dias Lopes: “Loving God, only your grace can restore peace and bring forgiveness. Help us to work against breakdowns in our relationships. Help us to be agents of peace. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.”

Thursday June 20
from: Communications: Synod 2024

As synod concludes today, the future remains as it always does: unknown. Yet God’s promise holds, that he will be Immanuel (“God with us”). Pray that as the CRCNA moves ahead into the future, we may experience God’s presence and leading amid the uncertainty ahead.

Friday June 21
from: Edmonton Native Healing Centre: National Indigenous People Day (Canada)

Creator, thank you for calling us to be in reconciled relationships. In Edmonton we grieve the loss of one of those relationships in the passing of Sharon Turner, a board member who suddenly passed away. Please bless her family with peace. Creator, life is fragile, and we look forward to your coming again, when there will be no more death or mourning. Hiy, Hiy, Amen.

Saturday June 22
from: Resonate: Africa

Resonate missionary Anthony Sytsma has been planning and leading a lot of Helping without Hurting trainings in Uganda and other countries in Africa. Please pray for guidance as he leads these trainings, and for the participants as they put into practice what they have learned.

Sunday June 23
from: Canadian Indigenous Ministry Committee: Indigenous Ministry Sunday

This year we think about the beauty of sharing food across cultures and the joy it gives as we continue a needed reconciliation journey. Please pray for continued depth, richness, and joy as the CRC leans into reconciled relationships with Indigenous peoples in Canada.

Monday June 24
from: ReFrame: Portuguese ministry

Members of our Portuguese ministry team are planning a family conference to share new ways to incorporate the Bible into family life. Pray that this event will help more families in Brazil access and apply Jesus’ teachings on a regular basis.

Tuesday June 25
from: World Renew: Clean water

Clean water is essential to good health, but for one-third of the global population it remains out of reach. World Renew helps communities to establish safe, consistent water sources and teach proper sanitation and hygiene practices. Please pray for all who do not have access to clean water. May God purify, protect, and multiply their water sources so that their communities may thrive.

Wednesday June 26
from: Resonate: Detroit

Safe, dignified, and affordable housing can be tough to find in Detroit. Hesed Community Church has been providing housing for two families and five individuals. The church also has two active housing rehabilitation projects and four waiting to begin. Give thanks for this church as they share the love of Christ in their city, and please pray for this work.

Thursday June 27
from: Thrive: Chaplains

Our chaplains who serve in industrial or corporate settings help to meet the needs of employees impacted by crises at home or at work who may not have a spiritual support network. Our workplace chaplains are regularly called on to offer spiritual care to employees experiencing grief, trauma, and crisis. Please pray for these chaplains and the people they serve.

Friday June 28
from: World Renew: Human trafficking awareness

Every 30 seconds, a child is trafficked. One in seven girls is married before reaching age 15. More than 600 million women live in regions of the world where domestic violence is not a crime. World Renew works to help bring justice where there is inequity, training families about the dangers of child trafficking, and working with government officials to help end these systemic issues. Ask God to bring justice into regions where injustice prevails.

Saturday June 29
from: Resonate: Haiti

Despite the challenges Haiti is facing, particularly in the capital of Port-au-Prince, young people in other parts of the country are hard at work through Resonate partner IMPACT Clubs. Please pray for these students as they grow as disciples of Christ and leaders in their communities.

Sunday June 30
from: Thrive: Summer

Pray for a gentle and smoothly executed transition into summer programming across congregational ministries. Pray for an excitement for what God has in store for each ministry in the summer months.