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Acts of Synod 2018 Available Online

July 18, 2018

The Acts of Synod 2018 is now posted on the CRCNA website at

In addition to the Acts, the CRCNA has uploaded a "Summary" letter highlighting a number of synod’s actions for the attention of churches. This letter will also be sent separately to church councils.

Hard-copy versions of the Acts of Synod 2018 will be mailed to church councils in August, said Dee Recker, director of Synodical Services.

“Synod 2018 delegates have, by way of recent decisions, provided new direction and a few requests for the church,” writes Steven R. Timmermans, executive director of the CRC, in the letter.

Synod 2018 took place at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Mich., June 7-14, 2018. Including delegates from across North America in addition to seven young adult representatives, synod spent time in joint sessions with the delegates to the Reformed Church in America General Synod, which met concurrently on the Calvin College campus.

“There was a spirit of graciousness, gratitude, and exploration as these two synods worshiped and prayed together, attended workshops and advisory committee sessions together, and fellowshiped over meals and breaks together,” writes Timmermans.

Some of the matters addressed by the delegates to synod this year included proposed changes to Church Order Articles regarding commissioned pastor roles, the definition of classis, and the role of regional pastors; concerns about patterns of abuse of power; and speaking prophetically and pursuing justice and mercy in the public square.

“To assist you in identifying topics of particular importance for your council and church members, we have summarized the decisions of Synod 2018. . . . Note that some decisions provide instruction for work yet to be done,” writes Timmermans. “Please take a few moments to review the attached highlights at your next council meeting.”

Also at synod, 43 new candidates for ministry of the Word within the CRC were approved (see

“It is a highlight for many to witness a standing ovation by more than 200 delegates and advisers, joined by family members of the candidates, and conclude a time of celebration with a prayer of gratitude for their commitment and preparation to service to the church in ministry,” writes Timmermans.

In addition, synod gave special recognition to 46 ministerial and commissioned pastor retirees.

“In all and through all, God was glorified in the work and decisions of all who gathered for Synod 2018,” writes Timmermans.

On behalf of the Christian Reformed Church, Timmermans expresses sincere appreciation to all who served the church as delegates and young adult representatives to Synod 2018. “These individuals generously gave significant time and energy for a full week,” he writes.

In closing, Timmermans quotes Philippians 2:13: “It is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”