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Why do we tell stories?

We tell stories because we’re made in the image of God, who chose stories as the way to share his great love for us. And we tell stories because there is no better way to convey deep truth, deep pain, and deep love.

But even though we know the power of story, we often struggle to tell our own faith stories to each other. That’s a sad thing, because when we don’t share our stories, we deprive ourselves and others of the blessing of telling and hearing about God’s faithfulness in our everyday lives.

The resources in this toolkit will help your congregation develop a storytelling culture in which sharing faith stories becomes a deep, rich, natural pathway to growing together in Christ.

We’re here to help! For a personalized introduction to the resources in this toolkit or assistance with faith formation challenges in your church, contact one of our Regional Catalyzers.

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Recommended Reading

To get you started, here are several inspiring articles about the power of stories:

  • The Stories that Bind Us by Bruce Feiler. Why storytelling is the most important factor in building strong, resilient families (and, by extension, close-knit congregations).
  • In Why Storytelling Matters, Carolina Hinojosa-Cisneros explores how storytelling can be "a thread between generations" and "an intergenerational healing method."
  • Why Telling Our Faith Stories Matters by Chuck DeGroat. Seven reasons why it’s important for Christians to be storytellers and story listeners. 
  • For an excellent summary of the importance of storytelling that you can share with your congregation, check out the blog post 6 Reasons Why We Need to Share Our Stories.
  • In The Truth About Testimonies Debi Thomas asks "What can I say about who, where, and what God is in my life? Is there anything about my experience of Christ that is beautiful, provocative, or troubling enough to share? If not, why not?"